Buyers and sellers – Mentally prepare to be in real estate market


Realtors® are guilty of romanticizing, if not glorifying, the idea of buying and selling a home.  And it’s probably true for many, that initial thoughts of buying or selling a home (and everything that goes along with it) are sanguine.  And yet, shortly after they are faced with details of the move, many are hit with the reality that the process is full of potential pitfalls and setbacks.  Buying and selling a home can be a confusing endeavor, that can become overwhelming if you’re not mentally prepared.

Getting through the process of buying and selling requires organization and planning to seek the best outcome.  As a home buyer you organize before viewing homes by having a mortgage approval in hand, as well as determining a price range and area in which you are looking.  As a home seller you have a plan in place before the home is on the market; which includes a pricing and marketing plan, as well as having your home in its best possible condition so as to give the best impression.

Even though the process of buying or selling a home is straightforward (after all it’s not rocket science), being prepared for various stages can help you through potential issues.  If you’re a first time buyer or seller, having a checklist helps you be aware of where you are in the process.  Even if you’ve bought or sold a home before, you should be aware of changes to the process that have been made in the last eight years.

You should also be aware that every transaction is different; each transaction has a different set of personalities, conditions, and issues.  You no doubt have heard your relatives’, friends’ or coworkers’ account of their buying or selling experience.  But chances are that they may not remember the snags they endured.  Reactions among buyers and sellers, as well as their real estate agents, vary depending on their personalities and life circumstances.  So, your experience may be similar to others’; however, be prepared that it could also be very different.

Additionally, many never realize how many individuals are involved in getting their transaction to settlement.  Besides the buyer, seller and real estate agents, there is a lender, a title company, and a home inspector, (among others); each increasing the number by a factor of their employees, and increasing the opportunity for Murphy’s Law to interrupt your smooth settlement.

Although the process of buying or selling a home appears to be task oriented, there is also an emotional component.  Did you know that having a major change in living conditions and taking on a mortgage are rated in the Holmes and Rahe Stress Inventory?  This acknowledges that buying and selling a home is an emotional investment that could impact your emotional wellbeing (positively and negatively).  Chances are that at some point you may feel the added pressure of your sale/purchase.

Mental preparation for your home purchase or sale may include moderating expectations and anticipating how you may cope with various circumstances that may arise.  Mental preparation can help maintain a feeling of control over your transaction.  It can be helpful to work with an agent who can address your worries and fears about the transaction through listening and empathy.  Most of all, hire an experienced real estate agent, who not only has the ability to problem solve and work through problems, but will help you organize and prepare.

by Dan Krell
Copyright © 2016

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Disclaimer. This article is not intended to provide nor should it be relied upon for legal and financial advice. Readers should not rely solely on the information contained herein, as it does not purport to be comprehensive or render specific advice. Readers should consult with an attorney regarding local real estate laws and customs as they vary by state and jurisdiction. Using this article without permission is a violation of copyright laws.

Decluttering for a home sale and mental health

Spring is around the corner, and for many it is the time to get a home ready for sale. Decluttering is a key component of preparing a home sale; while it is the core of “spring cleaning” for the rest of us.

Besides being the beginning of the path to selling your home, researcher and writer Deane Alban stated that decluttering is also the “gateway to taking better care of other aspects of life.” She asserted that the human brain is “wired to respond positively to order;” and there are health benefits to clutter-free spaces; which promotes feeling “calm and energized” (Declutter Your Life for Less Stress, Better Mental Health;

When it comes to clutter, we are not the same. There are degrees to the amount and types of clutter we collect. And for many, getting motivated to declutter is a challenge; severe clutter collections could be considered hoarding by some. Dr. Robert London, a psychiatrist specializing in behavior modification, wrote about his professional contemplation of the relationship between clutter, hoarding and obsessive compulsive personality disorder. After consulting with a Professional Organizer, he concluded that many can benefit from their much needed service of guidance in “letting go” and getting organized (Decluttering — Is it Therapy?; Organization professionals perform a valuable and, yes, therapeutic service;; November 5, 2010.).

Besides the psychological aspects that make us hold-on to “stuff,” one roadblock to decluttering is a common misconception that the goal is to have an immaculate home; which can make some feel anxious and/or overwhelmed (especially if the home sale is due to a negative life event). Instead, an underlying principle to decluttering is about creating an organized and spacious feel to a room. Another misconception is that you throw out everything you don’t need or want in your home; however, you have control over what items get thrown out, recycled, donated, or kept in storage.

One strategy to encourage your decluttering efforts is to plan. Rather than trying to complete the job in one weekend, try decluttering one room (or even one part of a room) per day; and for some, it may be as little as removing one or two items per day.

When going through each room, decide which items are necessities and which items need to go. You will undoubtedly come across many items that you decide are not necessary to keep out for everyone to see, yet they are personal or sentimental – these items can be stored. The items you decide that you no longer need or want can be donated, disposed of, or you might even decide to have a yard sale!

Of course, we are all busy; and finding time to declutter can be another obstacle to overcome. To help relieve the pressure, consider delegating responsibilities to family members. Consulting with professionals to guide your planning could save time as well. Some professionals even recommend a “decluttering party” as a way to ease the time crunch while making it fun.

Decluttering a home may feel as if it an exhausting task, but it doesn’t have to be; especially if you have a realistic plan. If you need help with your decluttering, you can check with your Realtor® (if you are planning a home sale) and/or you can consult with a Professional Organizer. The National Association of Professional Organizers ( maintains a national directory of Professional Organizers.

By Dan Krell
Copyright © 2016

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Disclaimer. This article is not intended to provide nor should it be relied upon for legal and financial advice. Readers should not rely solely on the information contained herein, as it does not purport to be comprehensive or render specific advice. Readers should consult with an attorney regarding local real estate laws and customs as they vary by state and jurisdiction. Using this article without permission is a violation of copyright laws.

Are the kids are all right; how kids cope with moving

Buying and selling a home is surely an exciting time, but it’s also a stressful time. Even the most organized person can feel the pressure. Of course, most people tend to redirect their energy into the practical aspects of buying, selling, and moving; such as ensuring their loan documents are in order, packing, and/or lining up a mover. If you have children, then additional things to worry about may be added to your already full plate of “to do” items, such as school matriculation and finding summer camps. But how are your kids coping with the move?

Like most things in life, moving to a new home is a process; the emotional process of moving involves various feelings that are expressed in no specific order and can sometimes be felt simultaneously. To complicate matters, your reasons for moving can also amplify this stress (divorce, job, etc.). Most children and their parents cope adequately during this time, but some may need additional attention and assistance.

Once you realize how hectic the pace can be while home searching/selling combined with moving, your attention to your kids may be slightly different. Although your children can experience the same feelings you may feel, their expression of those feelings can be vastly different. Some children may not be able to verbalize their feelings and their coping skills can vary.

Change can elicit both welcome and unwelcome feelings. The excitement and anticipation of a new neighborhood and school, and the sadness of leaving friends behind are just some of the feelings that children may experience while going through the process of moving to a new home. However, some kids may be more affected than others by the stress of the process and may seem more anxious, angry, and/or exhibit other behaviors.

Because children do not articulate their feelings like adults, some experts recommend that you “tune” into your children to determine how well they are coping. Of course, depending on your child’s age, indications that they may be having difficulty may vary: younger children may have increased incidents of bed wetting, incontinence and thumb sucking; while adolescents may become truant, defiant, and/or agitated.

Experts discuss the benefits of being open and honest with your children about moving, as well as informing them as soon as possible. Child experts have also recommended increasing your availability to your kids as well as acknowledging their feelings during the process. Younger children may need more comforting than usual, while older children may need to talk about the process.

Additionally, establishing continuity and allowing involvement in the process (when appropriate) can make the transition easier on children. Before the move, depending on the distance, you may be able to have your children visit the new school and possibly meet some of the kids in the new neighborhood. Have children help in packing and/or engage in other appropriate activities.

Many resources exist to assist you and your children cope with the process of moving to a new home, as this article is not intended to provide medical or psychological advice. Besides the many books written about the subject, school counselors, teachers, and pediatricians, are just a few professionals who may be able to assist you during this process. Of course, you should consult a medical, psychiatric, and/or a psychological professional if you have concerns about your child.

by Dan Krell © 2011

This article is not intended to provide nor should it be relied upon for legal and financial advice. Using this article without permission is a violation of copyright laws.

Coping with the stress of the real estate transaction

Unless you are under the care of a psychiatrist prescribing you Valium, “stress free” is not something that comes to mind when describing real estate. According to the American Institute of Stress (, stress is subjective and can originate from negative and positive experiences.

On the “Holmes-Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale” otherwise known as the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale (Holmes & Rahe 1967), having a mortgage over $10,000 rates 31 (just above being foreclosed upon) and moving is rated as 20. This commonly used stress scale (which rates life events to determine risk of illness) is cumulative, so the rating for buying a home is at least 51. Your stress level obviously increases when you add in other life stressors such as (but not limited to): getting divorced (73); getting married (50); having a baby (39); changing careers (36).

The reason why buying a home may rate so high on the Stress Scale is that, unlike other transactions, buying (and selling) a home is a large emotional investment! Gordon Gekko, from Oliver Stone’s Wall Street, was on to something when he said, “don’t get emotional [over stock], it clouds your judgment.” Emotions often become amplified when stress increases and can interfere with judgment.

Although most real estate agents don’t understand stress (what it is or how it’s reduced), it does not stop them from lecturing and blogging about “reducing stress” during the home buying or selling process. Being prepared and dividing the buying/selling process into segments is common advice and makes sense. This guidance often helps buyers and sellers feel a sense of “control” by understanding what to expect. However, the wonderful thing about real estate is that every transaction presents a new set of personalities, conditions, and (sometimes) problems. Reactions among buyers and sellers, as well as real estate agents, vary depending on their personalities and life circumstances. So no matter how much you plan, prepare, and visualize what it may be like, stress can be produced just by going through the process (created by both positive and negative feelings).

For some, being prepared is enough to help them anticipate and deal with most circumstances that may arise; while for others, the act of preparation may actually increase stress. Emotional factors, often based on needs and fears, can play a key role in your stress levels. Sometimes your needs are beyond your control and can increase your stress level, such as the need to stick to stringent timelines. And sometimes your needs can adapt and change which can mitigates your stress, such as finding the “perfect home.”

Fears about the outcome of the transaction can increase your stress, especially if you’re a first time home buyer. Common buyer fears include mortgage approvals and rising interest rates; sometimes buyers fear that the home inspection may reveal problems with the home. Common home seller fears include the home buyer’s qualifications and the ability to consummate the sale.

Good real estate agents know how to address the needs and fears of the real estate transaction to keep stress levels in check. Regardless, some people may turn to self help, “pop” or common stress reduction techniques (such as meditation); and if the stress is overwhelming, it wouldn’t hurt consulting with your physician or a qualified mental health professional – especially if you’re already stressed by your job, family and other life stress.

This article is not intended to provide nor should it be relied upon for legal and financial advice. Permission to use this article is by written consent only.

By Dan Krell
Copyright © 2010