by Dan Krell © 2007
I am going to share my feelings about a recent article that appeared in the March issue of Realtor® Magazine. The article is one of a series of interviews with the innovators in the field. This article was a synopsis of a round table to discuss the future of real estate brokerage with some of the top Brokers in the field.
Although many responses made sense, other responses were disappointing. Reading about future developments such as one stop shopping, discount services, and internet leads sounded more like a rehash of the recent past rather than ground breaking innovations.
Where is the future of real estate headed? In an interview on National Public Radio (March 3, 2006), Economist Steven Levitt discussed the idea that the real estate agent is an endangered species and at that traditional six percent real estate commission may become a thing of the past because of the pressures of the internet and the economics of a housing boom. At the time, it made perfect sense. However, as the market has slowed this past year, home sellers are now offering higher commissions, and sometimes even a bonus, to sell their homes.
Ok, so what about the future? Like the Amazing Criswell, I may make some wild claims. However, the difference is that I look to history to help define where we are going.
Real estate brokerage started out as a means to bring buyers and sellers together while playing gatekeeper and controlling information. Over time, legislation and legal challenges have transformed the nature of agency and representation to become the present practice of real estate. Additionally, technology and the internet have forced changes in the type and amount of information available as well as how it is disseminated.
Generally, the core of real estate profession of tomorrow will be much like yesterday and today-people. Real estate contracts will continue to grow as brokers will continue to try to limit liability. Agency and representation may change from a transactional management model to a consultant or case management model, where the client can get assistance and direction in the buying or selling process.
Information technologies will continue to develop and will deliver high quality and detailed information as well as increasing efficiency to all users. Possibly one day, you wouldn’t have to go to an open house as you can experience any home in full scale 3D. Although contracts are getting longer and thicker, the use of the internet and email to execute and deliver documents has been helpful such that one day settlements may be conducted in a similar manner.
As economics and legislation played a large role in the development of real estate brokerage, it is difficult to predict future economic cycles and future government regulation. Even with this uncertainty, it is clear that these influences will impact the future growth of the industry. For example, economic cycles dictate the number of Realtors entering or exiting the marketplace as well as contraction and mergers of large real estate brokerages. Additionally, future legislation may impact compensation structures.
Although technologies, laws, compensations, and business models may change, one thing will continue to remain the same- the human animal. Developments will certainly make the process easier, but ultimately home buying and selling is an emotional and subjective process that requires human interaction.
This column is not intended to provide nor should it be relied upon for legal and financial advice. This comlumn was originally published in the Montgomery County Sentinel the week of March 12, 2007. Copyright (c) 2007 Dan Krell.